Tan Sri Dato' Seri Abdul Ghani Bin Abdul Aziz (71)
Senior Independent Non-Executive Chairman
- Master of Arts Degree in International Relations and Strategic Studies from the University of Lancaster, England (名牌大学)
- Master of Human Sciences Degree (History and Civilization) from the International Islamic University, Malaysia
- Executive Director on 25 November 1999
- Independent Non-Executive Chairman On 1 November 2003
- Senior Independent Non-Executive Chairman on 25 August 2010
- Chairman of the Nomination Committee
- Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) for 32 years
- Chief of the Air Force in 1993 before retiring in November 1996.
- no directorships in other public companies
Megat Joha Bin Megat Abdul Rahman
Group Managing Director
- Board on 18 April 2013
- re-designated as Group Managing Director on 29 July 2015
- member of the Remuneration Committee and Risk Management Committee.
- USA CPA examination in 1987
- join the KPMG Kuala Lumpur office in 1988.
- 1991, he joined Kumpulan FIMA Berhad as vice president for Agro-based group
- Business development and as Executive Director
- CEO for Percetakan Keselamatan Nasional and Security Printers, of FIMA Berhad.
- Investigations Senior Manager for Market Supervision in KLSE, BURSA in (1998- 2002).
- COO cum Executive Director (Operations) at Mayban Securities Sdn Bhd (2002- 2005).
- project sales at Sigma AIT Sdn Bhd
- project management at Scomi Engineering Berhad
- Group CEO of Majuperak Holdings Berhad
- General Manager at Boustead Sissons Paints Sdn Bhd
- has no directorships in other public companies
点评: 漂亮的resume. 公司也在他加入后交出漂亮的业绩。
- The Group’s acquisition of PalmtopVegeoil has proven to be a right move in its bid to expand the Group’s international presence.
- Acquisition of Continental Resources Sdn. Bhd. (‘CRSB’) (RM42,000,000 satisfied by the issuance of 20,000,000 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each at a premium of RM0.60 per new ordinary share and the remaining RM20,000,000 in cash.) to Fung Heen Choon, Lee Cheang Mei is Co-Founder of CRSB (特别注意他们的买卖)
- 国家盈利分布图:
- All borrowings are denominated in RM.
- Base Lending Rate (‘BLR’) plus 0.60% per annum. Interest rate charged during the financial year is 7.45% (NO Fixed rate)
- 公司生意分布图:
2. Tap-ware and sanitary ware Manufacture and trading of household fittings and appliances such as water taps, plumbing accessories and sanitary wares.
3. Investment holdings Investment activities.
- 行业盈利分布图:
自从收购了Palmtop,CMSB,公司在食用油的业绩马上提高了7倍之多! |
- 汇率的起伏对业绩的影响
由此可见, CIHLDG是美金股。
- 截至2015年,CIHLDG有90%的股票被55位大股东控制着。
- 9%的股票是Pledge的,代表如果股票大跌他们会被逼卖出,所以要做好cut loss准备。
- 在最新Quarter, 把多数的钱拿去还债,加上很多钱没收回来,所以Cash Flow是负数。
- 在业绩出的前一个月,CHILDG的股价会偷跑。
- 点评:不应该买进
- P/E是16 太高
- 比较冷门的股票
- 前三个月的美金汇率不是很好(4.4 to 3.88),而且再加上FCPO Palm Oil 一直上升(El Nino)(几乎是最高点),成本会提高而盈利下降会拖累CHILDG的业绩...
- 买入时机: 美金汇率的上升,与FCPO Palm Oil的下跌。